Welcome Valentin!

Valentin L’ Hôte did his Master thesis in Wanrooij lab few years ago and after finishing his PhD at the Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France, he is now back to Umeå to start his new Post doc position. Welcome (back) Valentin! 🙂

Joint-lab canoeing! Farewell to Gorazd and Mama!

Together with PaulinaW’s lab, we went for canoeing along the river down to Sävar and got to do some exercises before heading to Swedish lunch at a restaurant by the river bank and had also a chance to say farewell to Gorazd and Mama.

Welcome back Anna-Maria Quiroga!

Anna-Maria received the internship for her Medical programme, so she is now back to our lab and will be working with us for next 8 weeks of summer. Welcome back Anna! And hope that she will be “still” enjoying her time in the lab! 😛

Welcome Cristina Velázquez Ruiz!

Cristina Velázquez Ruiz is doing her Ph.D. in  Luis Blanco’s group at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spain. She comes to Umeå to do her internship in our group for the next 3 months! 

Welcome Anna-Maria Quiroga!

Anna is now in her first year of Medical programme at Umeå University. She will be working with us for for her 5 week-summer internship. Hope that she will be enjoying her time in the lab! 😄

Congratulations Josefin on her Ph.D. defense !!!

On this beautiful summer sunny day, our Ph.D. student Josefin successfully defended her doctoral thesis!!! A big round of applause for her 👏👏👏Great job!Due to the current pandemic situation, Josefin’s defense was done virtually via Zoom but we had a small celebration afterwards within the group to raise a toast to her big achievement!!! 🥂

Welcome back Shelan!

Published March, 2021 Shelan came to work in the group last summer and now she is back to work for her Bachelor’s thesis for 2 months.